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    Val-Strax's Tmod App


    Good Morning Val,   Good to see you out up an application and it is a pretty well rounded application. As stated by striker I would love to see a bit more added to the 50 word responses as it gives us a scope on your character as well as how you are perceived by others in the game is a predominant factor.   Just to add too the quoted text, the best way to solve any issue is at the lowest level, one on one, if that doesn’t work call them out in staff chat, then escalate to senior staff.   But other than that these are great answers and I haven’t heard anything negative from the other moderators and staff yet so that’s a plus. Feel free to reach out to any member of the moderation team for help on the commands that we use on the server as well as some here for example !cloak aren’t used or not really a thing.   other than that it’s a +1 from me.

    Lune's Tmod Application


    +1 I do like the attention to detail and is very much the correct moderator outlook. Overall +1 [Striker]

    Val-Strax's Tmod App


    +1 I would like you to fix the 50 word minimum and expand on the answers given. Thanks Val is a good lil bean and I think with an amazing application that, it will be a +1 from me. [Striker]

    Lune's Tmod Application


    Player information: Current in-game alias and or ranks: Lieutenant PT-Ⅹ/M 'Lune' ✣ / Lune Previous notable Names/Ranks/Positions: N/A SteamID: STEAM_0:0:139253681 Steam profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Lumiitya/ Discord ID: lumitya List your current playtime on our Imperial RP servers (Main and Event server, you can use !time ^ in-game): 5d21h57m What is your age? (Minimum of 14 years of age): 20 Do you have any active warnings? (Confirm with a staff member if unsure): no active warning   Application: What made you decide to join the staff team? What are your intentions with the staffing role and it's in-game abilities and power?: i enjoy contributing to the community, ensuring positive environment for all players, preventing the rule breakers and guide new players. for the intention of ingame abilities and power, i would use the ability i have to prevent abuse while also guiding newer members and resolving conflict, i would aim to use my power responsibly, focusing on improving the overall experience and upholding the community's standards rather than personal gain In a minimum of 50 words, express if and / or how you enjoy helping others? Also include how this will transfer into the staffing role if achieved: i find genuine enjoyment in helping others, whether its offering advice, resolving issues, or just being there for someone in need. if i were to take on staffing role, i'd be driven to assist players, handle concerns fairly, and create a positive, welcoming environment where everyone feels supported and heard In a minimum of 50 words, if given a trial phase, how will you impact the community and what benefits will you bring to the staff team?: if given a trial phase, i will try to impact the community by fostering a positive, inclusive atmosphere where players feel safe and supported. my focus will be on resolving conflicts, ensuring fair gameplay/experience, and providing asistance where needed. for the staff team, i'll try to bring my communication skill, a dedication to upholding community values, helping to strengthen team efforts and improve player experience   Conditions: Do you understand that as a member of the Staff Team, your position may be subject to change and / or termination should you not be performing to a given standard? This standard is varied, although a minimum of 20 hours per week is strongly advised. Do you understand that your application’s comments from other staff members are encouraged to be directed as harsh constructive criticism only and should never be intended to insult or discourage? yes i understand Scenarios: Disclaimer - Be advised, extremely low effort answers for the following questions will result in your application to be either put on hold until a better standard is reached, or outwrite deleted. Please refer to previously accepted applications or ask a current staff member to then influence your own unique response. (Any forged responses will result in a denied application) A user is RDMing and insulting other users. You are the only staff available to deal with the situation. What do you do?  if i encountered a user RDMing and insulting others, my first step would be to gather evidence of the situation and ask the person that is involved and check logs with !logs to ensure i have a clear understanding of what is happening if there is someone that give a ticket and report about the RDM i would go to !sit and do !bring the victim for asking then i would return them by doing !sitreturn, after that i would find the accused's steam name and id by doing !steamid and bring them to !sit and infrom them that their behavior violates the rule and ask them to stop immediately, if they continue to refuse to cooperate i would issue a !warn for RDM and Player Disrespect, i will also check if they have active warns by using !warns if they currently have 2 active warns i would do !ban for RDM and Player disrespect for 1 day as tmod and inform the one with higher authorities or the one that is supervising about them and if they will get additional days to be banned for, once the situation is handled, i'd report the incident for review by the rest of the staff team   A user has contested a warn you have given him and proceeds to verbally abuse you, what do you do? i'd remain calm and professional throughout the interaction, i would first !bring or !sit to be able to talk to them and remind the user to maintain respectful behavior and explain why the warning is issued, providing evidence if needed, if they continue to verbal abuse i'd warn the user that further disrespect could lead to additional consequences, if they refuse to stop i would follow the community procedure by giving them a !warn for Staff Disrespect and then i will report the incident for the staff team and review the contested warning to ensure it was fairly applied   A user has threatened to DDos and take down the server. What do you do? i would take the threat very seriously, my immediate action would be to do a !ban for DDOS for 1 day and collect evidence, such as chat logs or screenshots, to document the threat, i would promptly inform the rest of the staff team and server administrators providing all the relevant details, so they can take any necessary security measures, reporting the incident to higher authorities will be important to ensure the server is protected against potential attacks   A Commander and Lieutenant are arguing in front of debrief. It is getting quite heated. The context to the argument is unknown to you. What do you do? i would intervene calmly and professionally to de-escalate the argument. first i will ask both the commander to step aside and continue the conversation in private, away from the public setting, to prevent further disruption in front of the debrief if they refuse to do so i will use !gag on both of them and bring both of them to !sit as a last resort, once they've moved i'd encourage both parties to explain their perspectives one at a time to better understand the context of the argument, if necessary i'd mediate the discussion, helping them find a resolution or offering guidance if their behavior is inappropriate for their roles. afterward i'd ensure the debrief continues smoothly and document the incident for further review by higher staff if needed   A Cadet has been complaining and wandering around because he hasn't been trained yet. He doesn't appear to have any intent to role play. What do you do? first i will approach the cadet by using !goto to tp to them, then i start by asking them if they're aware of the training process and if they need assistance finding a trainer, if they seem frustrated or lost, i would reasure them that training is important and help them understand the typical procedures, if it becomes clear that the cadet has no intent to roleplay and is just wandering around i will use !bring to have a private  convo with them and explain the importance of engaging in the roleplay environment, if the cadet continues to complain or disrupt the server without intent to roleplay i will issue a !warn for NITRP to remind them to follow the rules and community guidelines and stay engaged, finally i'd follow up with people in the server that is eligible to train cadets to ensure the cadet receives the training they need, helping integrate them into the community   You notice a staff member abusing their permissions within the server. What do you do? i would carefuly document the abuse such as screenshots and chat logs, then report the issue to higher authority while avoiding direct confrontation with the staff member to prevent escalation, i would monitor the situatin to ensure the abuse doesn't continue and follow up with the higher authority to ensure the issue is addressed   You get a report about a player abusing their tools and prop killing. What do you do? i would first talk to the one giving a report in a !sit and take their !steamid as a victim and ask them about the situation and evidence to confirm the behavior then !sitreturn them, then i will do !sit on the accused and ask tell them that they will get warned for doing so and then warn them with !warn for Prop killing/Tool abuse, if the behavior continues i would escalate the response by issuing a temporary ban as !ban for Prop killing/Tool Abuse, depending on the severity of the abuse, throughout the process i will ensure to document the incident for future reference and communicate with the reporting player to keep them informed of  the action taken



    Player Information: Current In-Game Alias: - LT Gauze  Previous Notable In-Game Ranks and Aliases: -  WO S-1 Cobalt Steam Profile Link: - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198218089055/ Age: (Minimum 16 years of age) - 16 Time Played (Gmod *and* Gateway CWRP): - 874h CWRP 1134 H Gmod Do you have a mic and do you intend to use it?: - Yes with yes   Event Availability Information: Being an EM, it is expected you are available for our scheduled server Event Times (4:30pm MAIN, 6:30pm EVENT, 8:30pm MAIN, 9:30pm EVENT AEDT) Are there any times you are unable to attend due to schedule conflicts?: - Yes 4:30s and 6:30 on weekdays   Basic Questions: What has inspired you to apply for EM?: - I was inspired to be an EM by hudson, russki and the EM team. They inspired me by running Events and making in depth RP that was fun and interesting to be a part of. Name 3 tools that are at an Event Masters disposal and describe their usefulness when running or creating an event: - Advanced dupe 2 Advanced Dupe 2 is the Fundamental grounds for all dupes and Maps alike But the Advanced dupe 2 is as useful for copying as it is for building, the advanced dupe 2 can copy individual props and then allows you to place them quickly and allows you to better move them, For example making a stack of crates with the physgun doesn't look as nice or natural but with the advanced dupe 2 you can make more natural stacks of crates. - Precision Tool Precision Tool is one of the basic in dupe building and is more very powerful for after touches on a dupe when building and needing props to line up perfectly to fit Precision tools, move function allows you make precisely place a prop is the right place and with its large number of other functions that are powerful tools for dupe building. - Teleport  The Teleport tool is most useful during events for allowing the main force to get back to the front lines this is very useful for junior EMs who cant edit the spawn locations and it also allows the EM to make interactive buildings with interiors like bunkers or space ships with custom interiors.  Are you aware of the limits of the server and that Gmod is often an old, unstable and laggy game?: - Yes, I have experienced at times how unpredictable Gmod is. Do you have any notable EC experience? - Yes I was a leader of a neutral trade outpost, then republic forces went to investigate the outpost they entered and they began to explore the outpost but after some time they began to ask about buying the spider droids that are in the base after rejecting their offer they began to demand I gave them the outposts ammo and weapons, I reject their and they began to steal one of the droids and attack the fellow civilians, I was told them to leave or die then they attack so the spider droids and auto turrets shot, unfortunately i was killed in the crossfire and the main force destroyed the outpost and all its inhabitants. On a scale of 1-10, how much clone wars lore knowledge do you have? - 8 I know of most media on clone wars just not the comics. On a scale of 1-10, how familiar are you with ULX/Sam commands? - 4 I know some commands but my knowledge is limited due to lack of experience.  Are you aware that events can be unpredictable and often require heavy improvisation? - Yes no matter how much you prepare, every event will need some level of improvisation. Are you open to criticism and taking on feedback? - Yes I am open to all criticism and am open to learning what they say in the feedback.   Event Questions: During your event, your game crashes. How do you respond? - I ask a staff member, an EM or a BEM to cover for me until I get back and if they can I rejoin and pick up where I left off.  If I can't join back in the game I would start a discord call with them and walk them through who the event was supposed to go and where to continue with it. A user is repeatedly bad mouthing your event while you are trying to run it. How do you react? - Depending on what it is (if just complaints about lagged or EC abusing powers) I would look into what it was But if it was (Complaints of the Event Map or just them Bad mouthing the event with no reason why) I would just ignore them.  You have to go AFK in the middle of an event and there is no staff on to assist. (2 PART QUESTION - ANSWER BOTH) ANSWER 1: What should you have done to avoid this? - Check my times before so my schedule would be clear and free while EMing and checking before the event that everything was ready. ANSWER 2: How would you deal with it in the moment? - I depending on how long I am out I would either Make defence point they need to hold while having strong Tanks and or aircraft hold them until I can get back Or if I cant be back in time I would speed up the mission to complete it as soon as possible so it is at least complete.    Your event is lagging and players are starting to complain. How do you resolve this? - I would stop spawning Vehicles like aircraft and tanks as they are laggy and if the lag is still around I would delete props in areas not being used any more and keep the droids to a minimum. After you've swapped maps for your event, you're about to place your dupe when you realise it did not save correctly and is missing some key props/elements. What would you do? - I either go to a map where I don't need to place a dupe or I quickly build a dupe in the short time I have using basic props. During your event, some members of staff are messing around and have accidentally unfrozen an important part of your dupe. How do you react to this situation? - I first fix the dupe making sure it is fine, then after the event I would notify a high ranking Staff about the incident and leave it at that. During your event, an Event Character on the Droideka preset is firing at the main force while abusing their shield. The players begin to complain in text chat about this. How do you respond? - First I would talk to the player and warn them about abusing their weapons and let them back if they continue to abuse their weapons. I would ask them to change slots and after the event I would contact the Head Em or senior EM and talk about their abuse. In your event feedback, you received multiple 1-stars with both harsh and constructive feedback. How do you react to this? - I look over the feedback and take in all the constructive feedback and if the harsh feedback says anything of interest I would take in the information but ignore the unconstructive feedback. General Grievous has been crushed by an elevator, players are starting to notice this and point it out in OOC. How would you handle this situation? - I respawn general grievous and !bring him to the elevator, then make Rp like “/rp Cuts a hole in the elevator and escapes the Crush” then have him say something over the voice amp Like “ YOU FOOLS”. EM APP DOC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hN0tHB8dZ6d6CoHng_ZtQ3pMc4sik0-t-ZzNNi82ZPw/edit?usp=sharing  
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