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Rack's (Baron J. Hardwick) TMOD APP

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Player information:

Current in-game alias and or ranks: 

Midshipman, Baron J. Hardwick

Previous notable Names/Ranks/Positions:

Warrant Officer: 501st Legion
Sergeant: ISB
Sergeant Major: Deathtroopers



Steam profile Link:


Discord ID:


List your current playtime on our Imperial RP servers (Main and Event server, you can use !time ^ in-game):

GG Imperial: 18d18h25m


What is your age? (Minimum of 14 years of age):


Do you have any active warnings? (Confirm with a staff member if unsure):




What made you decide to join the staff team? What are your intentions with the staffing role and it's in-game abilities and power?:

 Previous interaction involving altercations between members of the Navy that was called to my attention. As I went to resolve it I was told by a renowned Staff member( Lonsy) That the position would suit my skill set well. I hope to be able to act as a standard Staff member within Gateway Gaming and maintain the rules set by other staff and Developers.

In a minimum of 50 words, express if and / or how you enjoy helping others? Also include how this will transfer into the staffing role if achieved:

 I find great satisfaction in resolving issues, finding a compromise (if any) to make all participants happy by the end of the conflict. Based on my previous notion of Staff members within Garrys Mod That seems to be a widespread similarity.

In a minimum of 50 words, if given a trial phase, how will you impact the community and what benefits will you bring to the staff team?:

As an Executive officer I deal with situations within my own regiment on a daily basis, with positive feedback from other regiments. I have been guided by another CO into joining Staff because of how I handle myself. I feel I can help the community by listening to situations and advising/disciplining when needed.



Do you understand that as a member of the Staff Team, your position may be subject to change and / or termination should you not be performing to a given standard? This standard is varied, although a minimum of 20 hours per week is strongly advised. Do you understand that your application’s comments from other staff members are encouraged to be directed as harsh constructive criticism only and should never be intended to insult or discourage?


Disclaimer - Be advised, extremely low effort answers for the following questions will result in your application to be either put on hold until a better standard is reached, or outwrite deleted. Please refer to previously accepted applications or ask a current staff member to then influence your own unique response. (Any forged responses will result in a denied application)

A user is RDMing and insulting other users. You are the only staff available to deal with the situation. What do you do?

I would ask in team chat to use the sit room, on approval, I would head to a sit room using the !sit ^ command, then I would use !bring [PLAYER] who has made the complaint to gather their side of what happened and ask what insults the alleged cultperate has said to insult. I would also ask if they have any videos of what transpired to gather further evidence. If they do I would watch the video to see what happened exactly but if they didn’t record I would proceed to !return @. then !sitbring [PLAYER]  which will bring the RDMing and insulting player to the sit room while freezing and stripping them. I would ask the alleged culprit what has happened and gain their point of view. I would then use !steamid [PLAYER] to gain their steamid and use !logs and search for kills and any text where they may have insulted players using the players steamid. I would also use !warns to check for previous record to scale the punishment if I find the player has committed RDM in the logs I would then explain to the player that they will be receiving a warn for RDM and player disrespect, from there I would then use the command !warn [STEAMID] | RDM & Player Disrespect | Rack

A user has contested a warn you have given him and proceeds to verbally abuse you, what do you do?

I would let them know they are 100% in the right to contest a warn as it is something I have done in the past on another server but they need to speak calmly as respectfully so we can talk together about the issue. If the player calms down then I would proceed to let them know that the warn is used purely as a matter of record and as long as rules are followed from now on it won't have any effect with their time on the server. If the player continues to verbally abuse me I will use !gag [PLAYER] and inform them that they are going to be verbally warned for staff abuse and if it continues it can escalate to a written warning. I would then proceed to let the player know if they wish to escalate the complaint they can contact an Admin+ to contest it and if they wish to file a staff report about me they can access it on the forums and proceed to give them the link if required. I would then use !ungag [PLAYER] and !sitreturn [PLAYER]

A user has threatened to DDos and take down the server. What do you do?

Firstly I would immediately use a recording software for evidence of the user threatening to DDos the server, I would then use !steamid [PLAYER] following immediately use !ban [STEAMID] |(Maximum allowed T-mod ban time)| DDos Threat | Rack. I would then immediately contact higher staff whether in game or in discord and send the evidence of the DDos threat so the ban can be extended. 

A Commander and Lieutenant are arguing in front of debrief. It is getting quite heated. The context to the argument is unknown to you. What do you do?

I would firstly PM both the Officers, including asking in staff chat if this is a RP situation as to keep it in RP, however, If this was not an RP situation, as the Navy XO I would contact /Sec [>] to handle the situation. If the situation was to be extended in OOC then a staff intervention would be required.

A Cadet has been complaining and wandering around because he hasn't been trained yet. He doesn't appear to have any intent to role play. What do you do?

First action I would take is use !respawn so the cadet gets respawned inside the cadet room I would then use !goto as this will bring me to the cadet. I would then attempt to train the cadet using the correct training procedure, If the cadet still refused to be trained I would use !kick [PLAYER] | NITRP | Rack. If the cadet returns I would then attempt to train them again and if they still refuse I would then inform them they are going to be receiving a 1 day ban for NITRP and to return when they want to RP. For banning then I would use the command !steamid [PLAYER] to get their steam ID and then use !ban [STEAMID] 1d | NITRP | Rack

You notice a staff member abusing their permissions within the server. What do you do?

I would immediately go into administrate using !administrate ^ and start recording using my recording software to gather evidence so the Admin+ will be able to use the information to act accordingly. I would also inform the Head Admin, I would then talk to the staff member directly to inform them they are abusing their power to hopefully stop them. I would also record this interaction as evidence of their reaction.

You get a report about a player abusing their tools and prop killing. What do you do?

After receiving the report of tool abuse I would use !sitbring [PLAYER] that has been reported for prop killing. From there I would ask them why they are abusing their tools and inform them that they can potentially receive a ban as using their prob to kill is still RDMing. I would then use !steamid [PLAYER] then proceed to check logs by using !logs and search for any kills by the player. I would also use !warns to check the players warn history, I would then use !warn [STEAMID] Tool Abuse & RDM (Tool Banned) | Rack. I would then inform the CO & XO of their regiment to inform them of what transpired and they can make the necessary decision within the regiment.


  • +1 1
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Been a pleasure with you as Navy's Executive Officer.
I'm extremely glad that you took this application on and provided a good colouring mix. +1

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Having a read over your application you show a sound knowledge in the commands used on the server. You have been getting staff to help you fill the knowledge gaps which is good to see as it does show dedication. Just give your application a once over and read it with fresh eyes as there is a few mistakes I picked up Ill dm them to you but overall it’s a better standard than most. For now I am a plus one.


just a little side question would you be able to hold back your opinions for sits regarding the naval branch and how would you do that?

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Hey there Baron good to see you putting in an application, Having read over everything it seems you have put a lot of thought and effort into it even more so by reaching out to current staff members for advice in regards to commands, it shows initiative also good to see some colour coding makes it a lot more legible for what's going on with your commands during the situations. Best of luck to you it's a +1 from me.

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Baron's got all the right stuff to be a great Moderator. He's super dedicated, honest, and can talk to anyone. When things get tricky, he handles them with grace and keeps it professional. Plus, he's all about making sure everyone feels welcome and included. So, I'm totally behind Baron getting that Moderator +1. He's gonna crush it.

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@Baron J. Hardwick

The team have completed a plagarism check of your application which puts it at 97% similar to the application recently submitted by Blaid, leaving me with no doubt that you have just copied another app. A quick check by me shows whole paragraphs copied and pasted. This is not great and does not reflect well on you and leaves me wondering about what it says about your potential commitment should I let you into the staff team.

Now, I am about second chances, and I am willing to give you a chance to overhaul and rewrite this application, but it will need to be completely deleted and rewritten. I had intended to review this application at the next staff meeting, but I will now not be reviewing it for at least a fortnight. To make my position clear I will say, you can absolutely review other applications for what to write and what not to write, but there would be no point having an application process if we just let people copy and paste other people's work. I suggest you use the time your app is up to show commitment to the server, interact with members of staff and the community and show me why you should be trusted as a member of this staff team.


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